Sunday, May 24, 2009

NorthSide - Scale and Phasing

The NorthSide project is big. It is the largest community revitalization effort ever attempted in St. Louis history. In terms of property holdings, including city owned vacant lots and buildings, the project encompasses approximately 2,000 parcels and 500 acres. Given its size, issues of scale and phasing are signficant.

The major land uses of the project include four job creation centers and substantial new housing development. The other key components are infrastructure and utility replacement, and stabilization and rehab of historic properties.

Given the high costs, market realities, and overall project goals, what opportunties and concerns do you have re. the project's scale and phasing?

1 comment:

  1. It is another case of the ultra rich being handed even more money.
    Why are tax credits and other government incentives not available to small scale developers?
    I guess competition and capitalism is only good for the small guy. It seems wealth is continually handed over to the already large, wealthy insiders.
    And surprise, their wealth and control increases.

    Beyond that concern, (squashing competition seems to be the general policy of government), the excessive size of the project is questionable, especially given the lack of public input and city planning initiatives. The whole process has been suspect.

    What is troubling is that this project represents the future of the city and the aspirations and hopes of its people. And critically, we are as a nation at a crossroads. Many serious issues face us, and many of those issues are represented in this project.

    To leave this in the hands of one man and one company whose main motive is not the welfare of the people of the city or the nation, but to stuff their pockets full of as much money as possible has a great potential for disaster.
    Even if there is a successful project is really what how we want to be treated as a people?

    The process is so flawed that the phasing and planning is primarily based on receiving government money and not a process that establishes city building and public participation as a priority.

    It has been business as usual far too long. The American people deserve better.
