Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Community Involvement

The Post Dispatch cites "accountability" as one of the three main elements for guiding the Northside plan to success.

To date, the public has been largely outside of the process. McEagle has apologized for the secrecy surrounding the project for the past five years, but explains it was necessary in order to be able to purchase the land without driving up prices.

Moving forward, what role should the public have in the project? How does the public build in accountability standards and performance measures?

At the community presentation, part of the plan includes the formation of a self-appointed community foundation purposed with raising money and overseeing certain aspects of the planned revitalization.

What are your impressions and concerns regarding the role of the public in the Northside project, and what types of community involvement do you believe would help increase overall support for the plan?

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